Thursday, August 29, 2013

a surge of DIY inspiration | Mom's Nurses' Week project.

Back in May, my mom shared with me a DIY she had created for Nurses' Week. In her role as Director, she put a lot of effort into the coordination of this yearly event. She put together the following creation for all of the managers she oversees, to thank them for all of their hard work throughout the year.

frames from Michaels on sale, $5 [search for similar frames here]
stickers from Michaels, $3-$4 [search the wide sticker selection here]
extra graphic details from Michaels, $4 [search for similar items here]
paper, regular from printer

Each one she made cost under $10, so the total project rung in around $60. I think that's a great price for such a cute, hand-made gift! These would be perfect for nursing school graduates, any of your nursing friends who may be reaching a milestone, or just to communicate thanks or encouragement within the workplace.


Speaking of DIYs, I've been getting really inspired lately, while browsing Pinterest. Here are a few projects I'd like to try my hand at, soon:

- Repurposing some empty wine bottles I have lying around, in some manner or other, from these inspirations. And these in particular.

- I've recently begun to learn the art of crochet. Here are some projects I can't wait to try my hand at.

- I'm hoping to make metal stamping my next endeavor. Think of all the cute jewelry you could make from this craft! These are the things I've collected on my pin board to inspire me & steer me in the right direction.

- I've revamped my knitting. Here are some projects I'd like to tackle. 

Have you ever made a home-made gift? What was it? And what DIY projects do you currently have on the docket?


siddathornton said...

I love cowls! And knitting! Maybe we could initiate a swap?? I never finish projects for myself, but am so much more motivated when making something for someone else!

siddathornton said...

We have a lot of painting and work to do on our townhouse, but my husband and I are looking forward to doing a lot of the projects ourselves. And we want to decorate with a lot of DIY projects. We're looking at making some statement frames ourselves, and he wants to try tackling a high table for our dining area. I'm a little more low-key - I'm looking for ways to keep using the empty wine bottles we keep, ah, creating :)

siddathornton said...

it sounds like y'all have a lot of fun projects ahead! i love painting, so i'm really looking forward to when justin & i have a house that we can paint.

siddathornton said...

YES. i love the idea of a swap. shoot me an email & let's get this thing going!

the back and forth.

Justin had to turn on the air conditioner again last night.  It's October 26 - doesn't that mean the heater can stay on? Doesn't...