Sunday, October 18, 2015

the sunday currently, volume 111.

flowers from our chapel hill airbnb

This morning I'm popping in for a quick edition of The Sunday Currently. I have a lot of school work  to do today, and I need to get started soon!

reading statistics notes, out of a book for my therapeutic use class, and lots of other things today I'm sure.
writing in my new agenda when it comes this week. I couldn't be more excited. 
listening to ESPN. It's football season!
thinking that I'm going to start parting my hair on the other side again. Just feels like it's time to change that up again.
smelling the cheesy biscuit that is my breakfast. Delicious. Oh, and I still have some coffee left to enjoy as well.
wishing I would have had more time in Chapel Hill this past week to explore some of the restaurants and shops that D suggested to me.
hoping I get a lot of work done today. 
wearing a warm, colorful scarf today. It's cold!
loving that my schedule is getting somewhat back to normal this week.
wanting a huge glass of water.
needing to get into the groove.
feeling motivated and calm. And happy to be back home after a week in Chapel Hill.
clicking nothing. It's school work time.

siddathornton through the years:

What are you doing? Link up & share below!

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the back and forth.

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