more photos and commentary from our ski trip coming this week!
Good morning, everyone! Since we arrived home last night from a day of travel from Breckenridge, this TSC post will probably be a bit shorter, as I did not have a chance to draft my answers in advance.
C U R R E N T L Y . . .
R E A D I N G The Cuckoo's Calling, then finishing HP and the Chamber of Secrets, then reading Uglies, then reading And The Mountains Echoed. The library's holds and due dates system is highly motivating for me, and I can't wait to have read all of these books... and more.
W R I T I N G in my gratitude journal each day has made such a positive impact on my life already. I would recommend this practice to anyone.
L I S T E N I N G to a Sigma Alpha Epsilon video. It's Founder's Day. Justin is an SAE, if you didn't know.
T H I N K I N G that today is going to be a day of relaxation and laundry.
S M E L L I N G doesn't seem to be a sense that is going to work today. Changing altitudes pulls a bit of a number on your sinuses.
W I S H I N G for coffee. And lots of it.
H O P I N G for quite the same thing I'm wishing for. Which certainly does seem to be a pattern recently, doesn't it?
W E A R I N G my largest t-shirt and most comfortable lounging pants.
L O V I N G my new reading schedule.
W A N T I N G to write a lot of blog posts this week. And to go walking often at my park.
N E E D I N G to get caught up with Justin on House of Cards. We started season one two nights ago in Denver.
F E E L I N G happy to be home!
As you saw up there in "wanting," it is my intention to write a lot of blog posts this week. That, my friends, is something I'm looking forward to. Happy Sunday!
What are you doing? Link up & share below.
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That is such a cool photo! Your gratitude jouranl sounds like a great practice! I may have to take that up!
I feel like the ideal Sunday Currently is when your WISHING, HOPING, WANTING, NEEDING, and LOVING are all the same. you're almost there - just a little more coffee! hehe :P
I'm excited for more blog posts! The Cuckoo's Calling has been on my to-read list for a long time. Let us know how you like it!
I think I need to add going to the library back into my routine. I read a lot more books when I had due dates looming over my head!
I am excited to hear what you think of Uglies it has been on the top of my list of YA dystopia series!
Sounds like a very relaxing and comfy Sunday to me! =) Enjoy!
I'm looking forward to reading more about your trip! Your gratitude journal sounds like a great idea. :)
Did you have that coffee?
Haha, yes, I definitely did!
I absolutely love my gratitude journal. It really does help me in staying positive and keeping a cap on my anxiety levels from day to day.
It was! Thank you! :)
I'm really excited to start reading it! But, I have to get through HP2 again before I go on to that one.
The due dates help me so, so much!
I absolutely LOVED The Cuckoo's Calling. I would definitely recommend it. I am a huge fan of ALL of JK Rowling's work.
Haha, I think just a little more coffee is the key to my life.
We had such gorgeous views on the way to Breckenridge! And I would definitely recommend starting the practice of a gratitude journal. It really helps keep me on an even keel, remembering all the lovely things in my life.
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