good morning from the sunday currently's headquarters,
where coffee is poured & blog posts are written
Let's be real here, for a minute: I woke up with contacts in, makeup from yesterday still on, & teeth un-brushed. And no, it wasn't because I was out all night partying, or any other viable excuse such as that. I fell asleep on the couch last night around approximately 9:30 p.m. - which, by the way, is WAY before my bed time - while Justin watched movies. I don't even remember getting into bed. For some reason, I was completely conked out.
Maybe it was yesterday's 6 a.m. rise time [insert self-satisfied grin here]. Maybe it was the fact that I stayed busy yesterday [shopping]. Maybe it was the fact that I walked almost five miles for exercise.
I don't really know what it was, but I do know one thing: waking up with makeup on your face, contacts in your eyes, & unbrushed teeth is the ultimate example of not doing it right. In fact, it is awful. Bed time routine, I love you. Night time shower, I love you. Makeup wipes, I love you. Tooth brush, I love you. Let's get back together tonight, shall we?
We shall.
C U R R E N T L Y . . .
R E A D I N G a total of four books right now: all the ones that I've mentioned in weeks past, as well as a new one, which is Winter's Tale, by Mark Helprin. Um, hey self: could you please-&-thank-you actually finish a book? We are set to move to Greenville [eee!] on July 28, & that means books are going to have to be returned to the library here in Wilmington. I mean, you do the math. Things are either going to get read or they're going to return to the library un-read. And we just cannot have that.
W R I T I N G Morning Pages is my own, personal, free therapy. I've taken to calling them Daily Pages in my journal, though, because they are not always written in the morning. And I am fine with that. As long as they are written, that's all that matters. If you love writing, but sometimes struggle with journaling, I highly suggest the Morning Pages technique.
L I S T E N I N G to the whir of the fan, to the click of the keyboard, to the intermittent whoosh of cars going by outside my window, to me sipping & slurping my coffee [which I only do when alone - to do so in company would be rude, of course]. After yesterday's 6 a.m. rise time, I pushed my alarm back to 8 a.m. for this morning. Even still, I was the first one out of bed, & since rising, I have managed to shuffle to the coffee pot, read my daily Bible passages, & begin writing this post, all while Justin is still fast asleep in bed. Upon the completion of this post, I'll go wake him up & request an outing downtown, perhaps with Dixie Grill on the agenda.
T H I N K I N G that my main objectives this week are to write blog posts, work out, & pack up our house. Yes, the time has already come to start packing up our house. I need to write a blog post about our move. Also, about how I got into Occupational Therapy school back in March. Also, about how sentimental I've grown in the last few weeks, thinking of our leaving Wilmington. There is a lot to write. And that's not even the tip of the iceberg. There is so much I want to share, & there is so much I feel like I need to share. And those two objective are almost completely lining up, which, to me, is the perfect recipe for happiness in blogging. I'm almost there. And I'll keep trying until they are perfectly aligned.
S M E L L I N G like Sunflowers, by Elizabeth Arden, for the past couple of days. I couldn't really think of a more perfect Summer perfume. And, as I've mentioned in past posts, this was my signature scent from seventh grade & on through high school. Of course, Burberry Brit swooped in & stole the show in college, but that has, in recent years, become to me a definitive Autumn/Winter scent. I did, however, stop to sniff it in Dillard's yesterday, & I can't wait until the days turn colder & shorter & I can bring it out of hiding.
W I S H I N G for balance this week. The battle inside my head has been real lately: Lauren, you need to do this. Lauren, no, actually, you need to do that more. Lauren, why aren't you waking up at the crack of dawn? Lauren, let yourself rest - you're about to start grad school & then you won't have the chance to really rest. Lauren, why haven't you started packing up the house yet? Lauren, why aren't you reading your books? Lauren... It's time to find a balance within all of these thoughts. And, you know, when I was typing it all out just now, I was beginning to think that an expertly-crafted, perfectly-prioritized to-do list would probably be the answer to this chaos. I'll work on that this afternoon & get back to you. Is it weird that I'm kind of excited about this busy week ahead? Because I am.
H O P I N G Justin has a wonderful last week of work at his current place of employment. That's right, folks, Justin is about to be finished with his second job since graduating from PA school! I am so proud of everything he has learned, of the skills he has developed, & his professional accomplishments. We are attending a farewell dinner in our honor on Tuesday evening at one of our very favorite Wilmington restaurants, which I am exceedingly excited about! Here's to celebrating the past, while also looking forward into the hope & excitement & progress that the future holds! [I told you I was feeling sentimental].
W E A R I N G polka-dotted shoes in the near future, because yesterday, Justin bought me the CUTEST shoes from a boutique at the Mayfaire Town Center. One pair are cream-colored canvas oxfords with red polka dots, & the others are flat, navy sandals with white polka-dots & a bow. They make me happy, & I can't wait to wear both of them.
L O V I N G my BRAND NEW FILOFAX! Y'all, I can barely contain my excitement. Back when I was applying to Occupational Therapy schools in December, Justin told me that if I got in, he would buy me a Filofax, which is something I've been pining after for quite some time now. I am so excited to share with you that I am now the proud owner of a Raspberry A5 Finsbury! An unboxing & first look post will be up on Tuesday! I am happy to say that I was able to purchase it from a local Wilmington business, Occasions...Just Write, downtown at The Cotton Exchange. Though I'm bubbling with excitement to start using my Filofax, I will be waiting until January 2015 to officially begin using it. Until then, I will continue using my 2014 Organization Suite, which I'm happy to announce that I will be posting about next Tuesday [finally]. In the interim, I will also be ordering new calendar inserts for my Filofax, as well as working on the organizational system thereof. Can you tell I'm excited? Because I'm excited.
W A N T I N G another cup of coffee. Luckily, I brewed up a big pot this morning. What am I brewing right now, you ask? Well, at the moment, it is the Allegro Organic Breakfast Blend
. I have to say, it is not my ultimate favorite, but it is getting the job done. Once I've finished this bag, I think I'll be returning to the less-refined, though exceedingly more delicious Folgers Gourmet Selections Creme Brulee
N E E D I N G to do quite a lot of things this week, as you may have gathered from "wishing." I may share my packing organization/to-do lists, if that is something any of you would be interested in. This week's Tuesday post, as I mentioned, will be an unboxing & first look at my Filofax, & I had planned for next week's Tuesday post to feature my 2014 Organizational Suite. I could probably find a spot to fit in my packing post, though. We will see.
F E E L I N G empowered, content, & caffeinated. And that's a good feeling, I'll tell you. Especially since the last however-many weeks, I've answered this question with "tired." I'm not doing that this week, because it's time to focus on the positive & get moving!
C L I C K I N G this video on how to tie a bow tie. That's right, folks, Justin has broken in the realm of bow ties, as we have begun supplementing his wardrobe for his upcoming job. The dress in his new office is more formal, so we have been scooping up some new shirts & ties. I'm so excited that he's branching out into bow ties - they are my favorite!
C L I C K I N G this video on how to tie a bow tie. That's right, folks, Justin has broken in the realm of bow ties, as we have begun supplementing his wardrobe for his upcoming job. The dress in his new office is more formal, so we have been scooping up some new shirts & ties. I'm so excited that he's branching out into bow ties - they are my favorite!
this week's posts:
I do hope that you will pardon my diversion from my Summer Posting Schedule in the last week. After blogging every day in June, I needed some time to regain my footing & acclimate myself to a new blogging rhythm. Look for a post every weekday in this coming week.
Well, I guess now it's time to go wake Justin up & hopefully head somewhere for a delicious breakfast. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday, & an equally wonderful start to the coming week!
I would love to conk out like that, last night I did not end up falling asleep till 3:30 AM!!
I am incredibly jealous of your Filofax! Such a gorgeous color!
Polka dot shoes!!? I'm jealous! Have a great week.
Happy Sunday! I'm trying to see if I can make it all day with no coffee. Holding out, but not doing so good without it =) Feel like I could use a nap!
Ooohh, sleeping in contacts is the weirdest/grossest feeling!! I hope that your eyes are feeling better now. :) I love the routine that you have been creating for yourself. It sounds so nourishing!
So jealous of your filofax I've wanted one forever!
Go you with continuing to wake up early every day! That's awesome! I totally know how you feel with waking up with make-up on and teeth unbrushed and all of that too... it's never feels good to wake up that way. I haven't done that too much lately because I've actually been waking up after a few hours if I've fallen asleep before going through my nighttime routine and I always drag my groggy self off the couch to stumble through it. My pup is always curled up in my bed and I can hear her snoring through the entire thing, which always makes it seem worse. :)
I hope Justin has a wonderful last week of work! And I think I'm going to try out daily pages this week. It might help make me a little less anxious on the first week in my new job.
Woah. Sounds like there's a lot going on! But getting that cup(s) of coffee will definitely help kick start the day right, I believe.
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