Saturday, July 27, 2013

i've decided...

+ rich, dark hair colors make people look younger.

+ it's okay to have ice cream & coffee for breakfast, on the weekends.

+ you can never have enough blogs to read, & Lord knows there's enough of them out there. every time i start to think i've discovered all there is to discover in the blogging community, i'm slapped across the face [in a good way] by someone's daily reads list.

+ that there are no rules in blogging. and you won't convince me otherwise. however: i will still read your blogging rules posts, because some strange part of me still enjoys them.

+ pinning leads to inspiration leads to joy. repeat.

+ the best plan with friends is to JUST CALL. you'd be surprised how much joy one little phone call can provide. i'm looking at you, mrs. t.

+ i can be whoever i want to be. 

+ learning keeps you young.

What have you decided?

photo: just hiking up those stairs in savannah \ nikon


siddathornton said...

Wow. I love this post so hard. You rock. Enough said.

siddathornton said...

thank you! :)

siddathornton said...

All so true. Especially the one about coffee and ice cream ;)

siddathornton said...

I love this post! I have decided not to care what other people think of me! Because I love who I am!

siddathornton said...

those mornings of having it for breakfast were divine. but now, we're all out of ice cream.

siddathornton said...

you & me both, girl! :)

the back and forth.

Justin had to turn on the air conditioner again last night.  It's October 26 - doesn't that mean the heater can stay on? Doesn't...