today, we celebrated starbucks sunday.
C U R R E N T L Y . . .
R E A D I N G not much of anything, really. Unless you count statistics homework websites. Or anatomy books. Those count, right?
W R I T I N G things similar to those above. Thrilling stuff over here, folks. But, of course, I'm back to writing blog posts again, so there's that, too!
L I S T E N I N G to my fall playlist, as well as the episode of How I Met Your Mother we had on our DVR.
T H I N K I N G today will be a day of scholastic productivity. And house-cleaning.
S M E L L I N G not really anything. Thanks, sinuses.
W I S H I N G I could nap all day.
H O P I N G I breeze through everything I have to do today. Not likely, but why not wish?
W E A R I N G a dress & a scarf, which is kind of my uniform lately.
L O V I N G the A I got on my first Anatomy & Physiology test. Yep, that's right, folks, I made an A!
W A N T I N G ... see "Wishing" above.
N E E D I N G to stay positive & non-stressed. And to make sure I get in my pilates for today.
F E E L I N G tired & sore. Uplifting, right? I know I'll feel better as the week progresses.
C L I C K I N G Laura's post on sadness, Jenna's Autumn Writer's Equinox post, & this article on digital etiquette from The Week.

I totally counted school studying/research as reading! Good luck on being productive today :)
Congratulations on you A!
Congrats on your A!! It sounds like that was a well-deserved mark. :)
Hey Lauren! Congrats on your A :)
I just wanted to let you know that I have a post scheduled for tomorrow and you have been nominated for The Sunshine Award in the post! Have a great week :)
thank you so much for nominating me! i really appreciate it. i will be checking out the post soon. :)
thank you! it felt great to see my work pay off! now, to get similar results on the first statistics test... coming up at the end of this week!
thank you! :)
thanks, britta!
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