a year ago, today.
As of today, Justin & I have been married for 365 days, which I think is amazing. It feels like yesterday that I was heading down to Nottoway with my family, & Justin was heading in to Shreveport from Wilmington, & we were preparing for our wedding, flanked by our closest family & friends. As I reflect on our last year of marriage, I'm overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude for having such a caring, loving, funny, & responsible husband. I can't wait to see all that lies in store for our life together!
To celebrate our anniversary, we took a little road trip to Charleston, South Carolina. Ever since our visit back in February of this year - see here, here, here, here, here, & here - we have been smitten with the Holy City. It seemed only fitting to celebrate in a place we enjoyed so much last time. Since this is an advance edition of The Sunday Currently - I'm writing it on Friday night around 9:30 p.m. - I'm going to go ahead and guess that I will have many, many photos to share with you all, a small portion over here, & a large portion over on Sidda Snaps. And later on today, we'll be enjoying thawed-out, year-old wedding cake. Here's to life & love!
C U R R E N T L Y . . .
R E A D I N G the Ask Reddit thread obsessively each night before bed.
W R I T I N G over on Sidda Writes & loving it. I have big plans & dreams for that space.
L I S T E N I N G to documentaries as I type this post out. Tonight, we've watched Top Ten UFO Sightings & The Most Dangerous Drug. We've been watching many such things on Netflix recently.
T H I N K I N G that I feel very blessed & lucky to have a great husband.
S M E L L I N G freshly painted nail polish. In anticipation for our anniversary trip, I painted my nails "Cocktail Dress," by Ciate. This is the color that I was wearing when Justin & I got engaged a little less than two years ago!
W I S H I N G we could have brunch in Charleston every Sunday.
H O P I N G Justin & I have had a lovely little visit to the Holy City.
W E A R I N G an outfit fit for adventure, I'm sure.
L O V I N G Justin.
W A N T I N G a lovely rest of the weekend. Though Justin & I have had a lot of time for relaxation over the past couple of days, today will be the day to get back in line for the week to come.
N E E D I N G to study a lot this week... my first statistics test is quickly approaching.
F E E L I N G happy.

I can't believe it's been a whole year! I feel like I was just reading your "ABOUT TO GET MARRIED EEE" posts :) so much love to you both!
I love your two wedding photos you posted a long with this. Stunning!!
Yay!! I was just at a wedding last night and now I'm definitely going to find your wedding posts. You are/were such a beautiful bride!
Happy Anniversary! Enjoy the day :)
Happy anniversary, Lauren!! I'm sure that you and Justin are having an amazing time in Charleston.
Have fun in Charleston. At least it's cooling off!
thanks! it was wonderful - we ate brunch outside today, & it felt perfect.
thank you so much, sarah! we had a great little trip. brunch out on the porch this morning was the best.
thank you kristin! :)
thank you so much, jen - what a sweet thing to say :)
thanks, i love them, too! shana did a great job.
i can't believe it's been an entire year, either! :) thank you so much, betsy!
I hope you are having a lovely time in Charleston!!
Congratulations! I love Charleston, but I haven't been there since I was 10 years old. I can't wait to see your photos! And that's awesome that you remember the nail polish you were wearing and decided to wear it again. So sweet. And neat. :)
we had such a great little trip! i can't wait to go back.
we love it, too, & we can't wait to go back! i'm glad i remembered the nail polish - i thought that was a sweet little touch :)
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