here's what i do while justin is getting a hair cut: take photos of myself
Good morning, folks! I'm coming to you from my couch, where I am sitting - ridiculous bed head & all - & sipping on today's steaming hot cup of caramel vanilla cream coffee. Before I came in here to the living room to write my post, I was hitting the snooze button like it was my job, for an entire hour past when I planned to wake up. Maybe that's irresponsible, but the truth is, I was having a dream about talking to my friends & acquaintances about food journaling. Thrilling stuff, right? Oh, & also in the dream, I had returned to gymnastics & was having to perform in front of all of my teammates. Needless to say, I wasn't doing very well, especially on bars.
So, that's where I am this morning. Or rather, where I came from: a very weird dreamland.
Once I manage to finish this post, as well as straighten my unruly hair, we will be hitting the road to Myrtle Beach. We have a ski trip coming up in a few weeks, & we need to stock up on cold weather clothing. You know, we've got to buy things like long johns & big, puffy coats. We haven't been over to the outlets in Myrtle Beach in a while, so I'm excited to see what they have to offer, ski jackets aside.
C U R R E N T L Y . . .
R E A D I N G Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone, still. Let me just say: I will be completing that book this week, at which point I will be moving on to Harry Potter & History, of which I have already read a few pages. My lack of enthusiasm about reading every day is a bit disconcerting, but I'm not going to be too hard on myself about all of this. It's one of those things where I know the reading bug will really come along & bite me eventually - it's all a matter of patiently waiting.
W R I T I N G lots of interesting passages in my composition book recently. Maybe I'll be tempted to share some of them with you all soon. All I know is that, instead of going to sleep at a reasonable hour last night, I was sitting at my desk with wet hair, scribbling away in there. And alas, the reason I slept an hour past my alarm time.
L I S T E N I N G to the scrape & clink of the coffee cup as I pick it up & put it down repeatedly. I'd hold it here with me as a type, but it's entirely too hot. Which reminds me: my local Starbucks has been out of "coffee collars" for like... two months now, & yesterday, while transporting both a steaming Peppermint Mocha & a scalding Caramel Flan, I'm pretty sure I burned the you-know-what out of the palms of my hands. Total first world problems, I know, but I don't understand why they haven't been able order them/keep them in stock. ::silly rant over::
T H I N K I N G that my relationship with food has definitely not been a good or healthy once since I've returned to Wilmington. It's time for an overhaul of sorts, & I'm ready for it. We're planning to go shopping for groceries this evening when we get back from Myrtle Beach, & I am already formulating a list of New Beginnings Foods in my head. Sometimes you just have to keep starting over until things click. I won't give up.
S M E L L I N G coffee. That's all really, because my nose has been doing that thing recently where I have to try really hard to smell things. Which I'm pretty sure is just a bad case of allergies.
W I S H I N G I would have practiced a little bit of restraint & not had donuts so late last night. I feel gross this morning.
H O P I N G we have a lot of luck at the outlets. I'm excited, because they have a lot of stores that we both love. Sometimes, shopping is just good for the soul. And I have a feeling today is going to be one of those days.
W E A R I N G one of my very favorite pairs of pajama pants. I need to order a couple of replacement pairs off of Target's website. These things have seen better days. Or, perhaps a better way of saying it, is that they are well-loved & reached for often/any time they are clean.
L O V I N G Catch Me If You Can. I think it's safe to say that there's a large chance I will love any movie Leonardo DiCaprio is in. Not to say that I like the movies just because he is in them, I just find that he is in a lot of the movies I end up liking. Anyway, last night was the first time I've ever seen the aforementioned movie, & I loved it.
W A N T I N G another cup of coffee.
N E E D I N G to get it together this week, eating-wise. No excuses.
F E E L I N G like I barely got any sleep at all. Probably because I went to bed late, then had my alarm set for seven. Those terms don't exactly end up working out, do they? I need to enforce a little bit earlier of a bed time for myself this week.
C L I C K I N G this DIY on Lark & Linen from Oh So Pretty. I have an inkling that mine would not turn out quite so pretty.
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