this has long been one of my favorite Christmas decorations. bear with me as i hold onto the holiday season for just a little while longer.
Hello! And Happy First-Sunday-Currently-Post-of-2014 to you all! I am drafting this post way far in advance, because a certain someone's wedding festivities are kicking off tonight [Thursday], & I don't know if I'll have a spare minute to pop onto my blog & type this out in the coming days, before we board our flight back to Wilmington.
Hello! And Happy First-Sunday-Currently-Post-of-2014 to you all! I am drafting this post way far in advance, because a certain someone's wedding festivities are kicking off tonight [Thursday], & I don't know if I'll have a spare minute to pop onto my blog & type this out in the coming days, before we board our flight back to Wilmington.
Our trip home to Shreveport has been such a whirlwind: I've barely been able to keep up with everything we've done so far on this trip. We have seen so many people, gone so many places, & made so many memories. Truth be told, I'm not ready for it to be over, but life in Wilmington is calling, & we've got to make our way back & start 2014 off right, with hard work.
R E A D I N G my two Harry Potter books. This is what dreams are made of, folks. I've been dreaming of this reading-freedom since August, & it's finally here to stay for a few months! Also, as today is travel day, I'm hoping to get a lot of reading done!
W R I T I N G lists & plans & dreams for two thousand fourteen. I also hope to be scribbling away in my composition book as we make our way back to Wilmington today.
L I S T E N I N G to my Christmas playlist for just a little while longer. I'll make a new one in a week or so. One of my resolutions - which I plan to share next week - is to make & enjoy more playlists this year.
T H I N K I N G that it's time to get centered & focused & hone in on what is really important to me this year.
S M E L L I N G like Burberry Brit, I hope. I've returned to this signature scent of sorts lately.
W I S H I N G that time could slow down a bit. Any advice on how to make this happen? How to add more hours in the day? More minutes to the house? I'm serious.
H O P I N G I get some very important mail soon. Whatever the outcome, I'm just ready to know.
W E A R I N G what I'm sure will be comfy clothes for all the travel we'll be doing today.
L O V I N G our families, our friends, our pets. And missing them already. I can't tell you how wonderful it's been to be around everyone & see everyone & just be back here where everyone is. I especially loved our New Years Eve celebration in Dallas.
W A N T I N G to really get my life in order over the next couple of weeks.
N E E D I N G very much the same thing as I'm wanting. I've been feeling a little chaotic inside, & I need to get back to feeling steady & balanced. Easier said than done, for sure.
F E E L I N G ... well, as I mentioned, a little bit off-balance. But this is nothing that can't be fixed with a little bit of introspection & meditating on my life. I feel like I've been using a lot of lofty words to describe this, but it's quite simple at its core: I just need to spend time getting back into the groove of my life.
C L I C K I N G the Eighty Twenty. I've really been loving some of their articles, & I think this publication will help me a lot with what I've mentioned in this post: getting centered, getting my life together, figuring everything out as we make our way through the first month of two thousand fourteen.
What are you doing? Link up & share below.
Also: want a button to add to your post or blog? Grab the code below!

this week's posts:
the sunday currently, volume 67.
where i've been this year.
it's a brand new year.
Feeling centered is definitely a worthwhile pursuit. I'm hoping for that feeling, too, and I need to be more focused in getting tasks done that I tend to procrastinate with... that sense of accomplishment is just so good and motivating!
I feel like I need order too and it is so easy to just let it slip through the cracks and let distractions reign supreme!
I checked out The Eighty Twenty at your recommendation, and I really like it! Thanks! I've added it to my ever-growing daily reading list.
That tree is just perfect! Time, ugh, where does it go? Seems like I need to be clicking the Eighty Twenty too!
I love that tree! My mother has two of them and I have been looking for
my own for forever, they're just so sentimental and remind me of growing
up and Christmases at my parents :) Oh, and I feel you on the feeling
off balanced. I'm hoping a lot of yoga and clean eating can help!
jess | Quaintrelle
I hear you on wanting time to slow down! It sounds like you have had a wonderful Christmas season! Happy 2014!
I have that same white Christmas tree, but our's is pink lights! I've been watching the Harry Potter movies instead of reading the books!
I plan on listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies into January. I didn't have enough time in December! :)
Take some ME time, sip on a cup of hot tea, chew on some snacks. Recharge for a bit and you'll be hopping back on track in no time! *big bear hug*
T H I N K I N G that it's time to get centered & focused & hone in on what is really important to me this year.
W A N T I N G to really get my life in order over the next couple of weeks.
N E E D I N G very much the same thing as I'm wanting. I've been feeling a little chaotic inside, & I need to get back to feeling steady & balanced. Easier said than done, for sure.
I couldn't agree more.
Part of that includes getting back in touch with some people I've lost serious touch with.... :)
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