Monday, January 6, 2014

checking in from wilmington.

Hello, blog! And hello, blog friends! It feels like it's been forever, even though I did do a bit of blogging while we were away in Shreveport for the holidays. 

As you can see from the title up there, we are back in Wilmington & back to the daily grind. Today, I have been feasting on vitamins & guzzling water in an effort to feel a little healthier. After a week of being very sick, & a week of being a little bit sick, there are not enough words to describe how much better I feel. I'd like to keep it that way. 

With Christmas, New Years in Dallas, a wedding, & an entire afternoon spent traveling yesterday behind us, it should come as no surprise to you all that I slept until the ding of a text message woke me promptly at noon today. Now you can find me on the couch, eating Cheetos & typing with orange fingers. 

I just wanted to pop in & say hi & let you know that I'm excited about the things I plan to write about this week: resolutions for two thousand fourteen, a few bits of inspiration I've found while reading recently, & - I'm sure - a couple more rambly little posts just like this one. I'll also be emerging back into the world of social media this week, so if you've said hello to me via those avenues recently, I will be responding to you all soon. It pains me to say that I was a horrible social media-er during my trip. Alas, I was living in the moment, as they say. 

Happy Monday! 


siddathornton said...

OH no I hear yah on the sickness! It feels so good to be healthy! Man you don't realize just how great it is to not be sick until you get hit with illness! Glad you're feeling better!

siddathornton said...

HEYO! Hopefully your health will continue to climb towards and reach the good meter in no time!

the back and forth.

Justin had to turn on the air conditioner again last night.  It's October 26 - doesn't that mean the heater can stay on? Doesn't...