Well folks, we arrived home from our Savannah trip yesterday evening. We had a LOVELY time, filled with shopping in downtown, visiting the
Gryphon Tea Room, scarfing down beignets, & watching fireworks over the Savannah River.
With this trip also came the purchase of Justin's Anniversary gift... a very special watch. We are employing the
Modern Anniversary Gifts Guide, & we have interpreted
clocks to translate loosely to
watches. With this purchase, we found it entirely too difficult to wait until October, so we are now both wearing our watches [& absolutely loving them]. I'll have to write more about them later, because they are both unique & meaningful to us. Because of our impatience with these gifts, we have decided we will buy a clock while on our anniversary trip to Charleston in October.
C U R R E N T L Y . . .
R E A D I N G Briget Jones's Diary at an alarmingly slow pace. Planning to break out ye olde reading schedule & plan out a date & time to finish this selection. It's hanging over my head, & I don't like that very much.
W R I T I N G descriptive analyses in my journal this week, I've decided. Sometimes you just have to decide that certain weeks are going to be writing weeks & just go with it.
L I S T E N I N G to early morning Sunday television, which, in this case, means Wimbledon.
T H I N K I N G that no matter how lovely a vacation is, there is simply no place like home [I am not a fan of The Wizard of Oz, but this reference seemed unavoidable]. As I sit on the couch & tap out this post this morning, those words could not be more true to me. I love this feeling... the feeling of being home.
S M E L L I N G Mrs. T's & Tison's wedding candle. It is a
Zombee Candle scent made specially for their big day! I love it & burn it often, especially on the weekends. I miss them both a lot.
W I S H I N G to view both The Office & Mad Men today. My obsession for both of these shows is running deep right now, in equal measure.
H O P I N G for one of those Sundays that are so packed with activities, that they feel like they stretch on & on... & on & on...
W E A R I N G my big t-shirt & some pajama shorts. The uniform of Sunday Morning Winners.
L O V I N G... absolutely loving the purchases we made on our trip. As mentioned above, we finally found Justin's anniversary watch, but we also discovered a little gem at
Wright Square Antique Mall: a 1960s style leather pocketbook bag & a corresponding scarf. Can we say
Joan from Mad Men? Obsessed with this style currently.
N E E D I N G to clear out my inbox today, as well as do dishes & laundry. And unpack our suitcases. And make a productivity plan for the week. And get some blog posts written & polished in advance. Yes, let's make this a productive Sunday, shall we?
F E E L I N G sore & congested this morning. With the endless traipsing around Savannah - and all its heat & humidity & steep staircases - came a sort of exhaustion to the body. Couple that with a LOT of sitting in the car to & from, & you've got the perfect recipe for a sort of vague bodily aching.
With this week, comes the re-emergence of the
Snapshot Series, which means I'll be beginning the photo coverage of our trip! If you're interested in one day trekking to Savannah, Georgia, stay tuned for some visuals & recommendations.
photo | happy belated birthday, america | from instagram
What are you doing right now? What have you been doing this week? Link up & share below.