the view from our tour of the Country Music Hall of Fame last night
Good morning from a very cold & foggy Nashville! After I finish this post, I believe I'm going to head to the hotel gym, which coincidentally, is extremely nice. We have greatly enjoyed out stay at this hotel, & I think tomorrow we will both be a bit sad to leave.
R E A D I N G Mockingjay aloud to Justin while he drives tomorrow. We did this with Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows a few years ago. And in other news, by the end of this coming week, I'll be reading Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone!
W R I T I N G one of my very final to-do lists for this semester. As of now, it includes "Ethics Final" & "Stats Final," & I think it's going to stay that way. We're in the home stretch, folks!
W R I T I N G one of my very final to-do lists for this semester. As of now, it includes "Ethics Final" & "Stats Final," & I think it's going to stay that way. We're in the home stretch, folks!
L I S T E N I N G to the She & Him & Michael Buble Christmas albums when I get home, I've decided.
T H I N K I N G that I'm so glad we got to take this trip to Nashville. It's been so relaxing! And so much fun to explore a new city.
S M E L L I N G nothing. My sinuses are acting up, big time!
W I S H I N G we could stay here for a couple more days. Alas, Wilmington is calling!
H O P I N G that I am never in a tiny plane being piloted by Don Draper. That was my dream last night, & it was a weird one.
W E A R I N G pajamas.
L O V I N G the deal we stumbled upon in Macy's yesterday afternoon - I got a pair of shoes that was originally $85, for $17! Amazing!
W A N T I N G to get our Christmas shopping complete soon.
N E E D I N G to get our Christmas shopping complete soon.
F E E L I N G a little tired, despite going to bed early & sleeping in. Must be all the Nashville excitement!
C L I C K I N G my school website. Because, you know, finals. They're going to be complete this week.
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this week's posts:
I'm so jealous of you being in Nashville! That's the only city in the US that I really want to visit. I loved Mockingjay so so much, enjoy it! Have a safe trip home and good luck on finals this week!
We were just in Nashville for Thanksgiving. It is definitely one of my top favorite cities! I think it would be neat to live there one day. Hope to hear more about your trip later on the blog! Be safe driving home.
It's been a lot of fun visiting for the past few days! I was so excited to see the city since we've never been here before. I think I'm going to write a post just about the food for tomorrow :)
I feel like it's a sign that the stars are aligned when WANTING and NEEDING are the same thing :)
That's so cute that you read aloud to your hubby during long car rides! I've offered to read to my fiance (or check out an audiobook from the library), but he's not interested haha. He listens to his music and I read to myself in the passenger seat.
ain't that the truth! now, just to move them over into the "accomplished" category.
i'm so glad that he actually enjoys it! it makes time pass quickly.
Good luck with finals, Lauren! It sounds like you guys have had a great time in Nashville! I've never been there, but your travels make me want to see more of the South. :)
Good luck with your finals!
Thank you for reminding me about the She & Him Christmas album!
you're certainly welcome :)
thank you! i can't wait until they're over.
thank you so much, sarah! :) they'll be over by tomorrow at 7:15 p.m. i CAN'T WAIT.
we loved getting to visit Nashville - it wasn't at the top of my list of southern cities, but it was nice to finally check that city off the traveled-to list!
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