good morning from starbucks!
Hello, hello, friends & readers! I don't know why I'm using exclamation points this morning, other than the fact that I'm in a bit of an exclamation-point-using mood. First of all, I am in one of my favorite places of productivity this morning... Starbucks. Second of all, I've recently put the grueling Fall Semester behind me. Third of all, I'm sipping on a Tall Skinny Peppermint Mocha, as well as a Venti Ice Water. Fourth of all, by this time next week, Justin & I will be in Shreveport! So yeah, it's just kind of an exclamation point sort of morning, you know?
R E A D I N G Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone. I have legitimately lost count of how many times I've read the series [maybe this is the fourth time?], but I have to tell you: I am so excited to be reading it again.
R E A D I N G Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone. I have legitimately lost count of how many times I've read the series [maybe this is the fourth time?], but I have to tell you: I am so excited to be reading it again.
W R I T I N G quite a few blog posts recently. It feels wonderful to feel inspired again! I have felt the call to write for the past two weeks or so, & I hope it's here to stay... for as long as possible. The dry spells really make you appreciate the times when creativity is flowing. Now, just to get some inspiration to tackle this blog design.
L I S T E N I N G to the ambient noise of Starbucks. The barista is having a conversation with a girl sitting at the bar, & she is talking about how she had to leave work early last night because she was sick. She is having a coffee & typing away on her phone. There is a bluesy song playing right now, with what sounds like an upright bass. There are two girls to my right, talking about high-school-girl-types-of-things [actual excerpt from the conversation, " - And I was like, 'gah, Mom!'"].
T H I N K I N G that I need to go ahead & get this post wrapped up so I can get started on my applications to-do list. I slept past my alarm again this morning, & I didn't get up to Starbucks until after ten. My goal this week is to get up early every morning. That's my goal the whole time I'm in Shreveport, too. I don't want a minute wasted!
S M E L L I N G the delicious coffee-smelling air of Starbucks. One of my favorite smells.
W I S H I N G I would have gotten up earlier, because then I might be done with everything I have to do up here, & then I could be headed toward a run at my favorite park. Right now, they are selling Christmas trees there, so when I pass a certain portion of the trail, I get a big whiff of evergreens. I mean, really, what could be better than that?
H O P I N G my Ethics professor will go ahead & post my grade on my transcript. As it stands, I believe I will have an A in there... which means I made a 4.0 this semester! I can't adequately express my joy. This has been such a tough, trying semester for me, so all As feels like a huge accomplishment. I'm proud of myself. And it feels nice. Hard work pays off, y'all.
W E A R I N G a Christmas hoodie. And other clothes... just nothing extraordinary. I've also been wearing Vanilla Bean Noel from Bath & Body Works lately. It smells heavenly!
L O V I N G the fact that we got a lot of couch Christmas shopping done yesterday. We are nearly done with all of our shopping!
W A N T I N G another Peppermint Mocha... what do you think? Go for it?
N E E D I N G a nice, long run today, complete with toning afterwards.
F E E L I N G energized & ready to take on this week. With some observation early tomorrow morning, to needing to finish my applications, to some Christmas cocktails with the magazine I've been freelancing for, to packing... it's going to be a fast-paced, busy week!
C L I C K I N G the Sunday Secrets, of course. Also, this, because when we return from our trip home, I plan to embark on a new diet of sorts.
What are you doing? Link up & share below.
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this week's posts:
the sunday currently, volume 64.
a close call indeed.
grub: the most important part of any road trip.
all it takes is a cup of coffee.
around here lately: nashville.
friday's fancies #75: just a little bit of sparkle.
on the other side.
saturday things.
I always go for the second drink, today I have had one cup of coffee and two cups of Earl Grey tea because cold weather just needs numerous warm beverages to be good!
Peppermint mocha is also my drink of choice!! Yum yum.
Yay, you did it! Congratulations - sounds like you did well too. Does the time off mean we can expect some vlogs in addition to more blogs?
Linking up for the first time :) Something about a Christmas hoodie sounds so much more comfortable than regular hoodies. And definitely go for another peppermint mocha!
I love the Harry Potter books! Those are ones you can return to time and time again. :)
And yes, you should get the second peppermint mocha. Although, you're probably not there anymore so hopefully you got it. If not, you should go back soon. :)
Congrats on a 4.0 with *statistics* under your belt! That's an accomplishment, friend!
Thank you SO much. I'm basically on Cloud Nine over here.
I really wish I would have gotten the second Peppermint Mocha. Oh well, there will be time tomorrow, as I'll be up there for a large portion of the day, working on an important essay.
So glad to have you linking up - welcome! :)
Christmas hoodies are DEFINITELY more comfy than regular hoodies - it's just in their nature. And no worries... I will be picking up another cup of Peppermint Mocha goodness tomorrow morning!
Thank you so much, Emily!
And YES! I have been wanting to film another vlog, & I think soon I may have a chance to do so. Thank you for asking!
It's delicious, holiday-time goodness!
Starbucks has been my second home lately, & I'm totally fine with that! :) It is one of my favorite places to get work done. I feel like my productivity score rises a few points as soon as I walk through the door.
Tell me about it - I love warm beverages all year round, but something about cooler weather just justifies a little bit extra ;)
the smell of coffee is one of my favorite things about starbucks!
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