Sunday, January 1, 2012

happy moo year!

if you haven't already caught on, justin & i call each other 'moo moo.' yes, i know it's corny. and to tell you the truth, i'm not generally a proponent of terms of endearment nicknames for significant others. however, justin & i have a couple of silly - albeit non-random - names for each other. i call them 'non-random' because they have stories behind them - they have meaning. which makes it all the more fun (and justified), in my opinion.

thus, since justin & i are spending this new years together, i have dubbed it the 'moo year.' you'd be surprised how many words rhyme with 'moo.' it makes for lots of fun play-on-words.

ok, my defense of nicknames ends here.

justin & i ushered 2012 in by having dinner on the coast in new bern last night, before we headed back west to kinston. we are having so much fun together, & i really can't wait to explore our town today.

photos: iphone


Dree said...

That's so sweet. Dinner on the coast sounds like the perfect way to usher in the new year. Happy 2012!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you sweet girl!

memory said...

moo-moo...that's so cute!

happy 2012! all the best to you, dear!

p.s. i'm having a giveaway on my blog and would love for you to enter (:

meghan said...

Happy New Year! Thanks for visiting my blog! My fiance and I have non-random terms of endearment too that would sound silly to others, but we have fun with it!

Ivana said...

I love meaningful nicknames, we have a bunch with my fiancé, and they always make us crack up in public, when nobody else knows what´s going on :)

Happy New Year, sweetie!

xx Ivana

Stop by sometimes :)
Macarons and Pearls

Ashley {styleash} said...

It sounds like you had a great New Years! Happy to have found your blog.


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wonderful new year! I just spent two years in Greenville for graduate school I always drove through Kinston to get home on the weekends. It is such a great town! Hope you guys are settling into it well.

the back and forth.

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