This weekend is the Azalea Festival here in Wilmington, & while we haven't yet taken part in the main festivities, we did venture downtown for dinner last night on the water at Elijah's. We went at the perfect time to catch the golden sunset, which you can view above. We sat amongst an interesting mix of those who had been drinking all day, & those who were out with their families. The food was delicious - fish & chips, red chowder, a new castle, a blue moon - & I can't wait to go back.
Today, we plan to go have a late breakfast downtown, go shopping, go for a nice long workout, & clean up our disaster zone apartment a bit. If time allows, we'll head down to check out the Azalea festivities.
reading a lot of blogs lately, & no books [ahem... Little Women].
writing in my journal about anxiety. This week hasn't been the best: I've had nightmares, worry, & stress pervading my thoughts. It really does help to write, & to pray, & to talk to like-minded friends.
listening to Justin talking about houses.
thinking that the observation hours I've been racking up has been really eye-opening. I'm learning so much already, & I really am excited about it.
smelling like Warm Vanilla Sugar from Bath & Body Works lately. Back to basics, folks.
wishing anxiety didn't exist.
hoping that the Witch Hazel toner I picked up at Walgreens the other night will be exactly what my skin needed to feel inspired to FINALLY clear up. I've been on antibiotics to clear my skin, & while they have drastically improved its state, there is still some progress to be made. Here's hoping.
wearing my engagement ring again, because it finally arrived on Tuesday, after being gone for weeks being repaired. It is extra sparkly & beautiful now - as evidenced here - & I love it. I've caught myself staring at it, just like I did for months after we got engaged. It makes me happy. Thank you, Justin.
loving going to church lately. It is just what I need to center me, clear my mind, & focus on what's important for the week.
wanting to document my road trip to Shreveport. Each time I make this trek via the interstate - rather than the air - I always dream of documenting the journey, but I never do. Maybe this will be the time?
needing to stop making blogging more difficult than it needs to be. I've been over-analyzing & holding back, & really, that just leads to procrastination. I just need to let go & write. That's the whole point of this blogging thing, right?
feeling happy that I finally got over to the eye doctor on Thursday. I've been needing contacts for ages. Procrastinators may deal with unneeded stress, but they also get to celebrate the little things they finally get around to accomplishing. And that's where I'll end my support of procrastination.
clicking TeuxDeux to keep me on task, & this Paleo Lemon Bars recipe to encourage me to get in the kitchen. That's right, it still hasn't happened, even though I posted a recipe last week too.
photo: instagram
photo: instagram

Oh my, I have so much to say about this. If I had one wish right now, it would probably be that anxiety did not exist. It's so hard to see clearly through it. I`m also with you on the bad skin. Whenever someone tells me they have A pimple, I don`t even know what to say to them- If I could only identify one pimple on my face, I would be thrilled, haha! You should definitely document your journey to Shreveport- at the very least it would make for any easy blog post or two :)
I hope this week is better, friend. I know about nightmares. They are the worst even as an adult. It sounds like you have a lot of great things going on right now, though! I over-analyze allllll of the time. It's such a bad habit. Just let things be!!!!
Anxiety is the pits! I like how you wrote about feeling more centered by church, though. Sometimes I really need some reflection time or a little mantra to help guide me when those anxiety-driven thoughts won't get out of my mind. I hope that some of that ickiness floats away soon! On a side note, I really enjoy your photos because they have such a dreamy quality to them! That sunset looks beautiful. Enjoy the azaleas today! :)
I hope the witch hazel works for you! I used it for years, I'm not sure why I stopped exactly, but I had pretty good results with it!
I also hope your anxiety eases up! It really is the worst, and I know how you feel. Mine was in high gear last weekend, but I'm feeling better now. It's something we can and will get past though, I know it! :)
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