Greetings from Shreveport! This morning, I am enjoying eggs & biscuits & java by way of the new Community Coffee K-Cups. It's been a weekend of excitement around here, since my dear friend Jordan traveled over from Dallas with her husband on Friday evening. We have had lots of time to hang out, catch up, & have fun, & I am very grateful for that.
reading theSkimm for my main news source recently. It is one of the first things I read each morning, & I have really grown to love it. So much so, that I get sad when I realize it's the weekend & there's no new Skimm to read. Yes, I'm serious. Yes, it's ridiculous.
writing a freelance piece for a local Wilmington magazine. I'm so excited to be writing for a publication again, even if I only ever have this one assignment. I'll share it here whenever it is published.
listening to the comforting sounds of HGTV. My mom is in the kitchen, finishing up her breakfast & watching Property Brothers.
thinking that I wish Justin was here in town with me.
smelling Leather, a candle by Circle E. It's one of my all-time favorites, & we have been burning it a lot in my parents' house this week.
wishing I had added creamer to my coffee this morning. Doesn't being in Shreveport call for Vacation Coffee? Maybe in my second cup...
hoping that Jordan & Jim have a safe drive back to Dallas this afternoon. I am so glad that Jordan came in town to visit with me for a weekend while I'm here in Shreveport. We've had a lot of fun together for the past two days. I'm sad to see here go, but hopefully I'll see her again in Dallas before I trek it back to Wilmington.
wearing pajamas, still. Jordan & I got in really late last night, but I forced myself out of bed around 9:30. I slept until noon yesterday. Yikes!
loving my new makeup additions from the drugstore. I got Wet 'n Wild's Coverall Foundation, after seeing it mentioned by a couple beauty gurus on YouTube. I took it for its test run last night, & I think we're going to have a lot of good times together. I also - finally - picked up Rimmel's Stay Matte Powder, after hearing all the hype on YouTube. Once again, I used it for the first time last night, but I think I'm already in love.
wanting to drink coffee out of my camera lens travel mug from Kris every day for the rest of time. It is the cutest thing I've ever seen, & it makes me happy every time I use it.
needing to get some photo posts together. I've been toting my camera all around the house, taking photos of details & objects that I love. I can't wait to share little pieces of my parents' house with everyone.
feeling tired, but happy.
clicking through all the posts linked up for The Sunday Currently this week. With all the hubbub of the past week, I never had the chance to read through & comment the way I like to. Looking forward to changing that this week, & reading up on all of your goings-on! Also clicking? The keyboard & mouse of a brand new desktop computer. Thanks, Dad, for letting me borrow your new toy!
photo: at ernie's last night with Jordan \ iphone