Hello out there, to my faithful
TSC crew! Thank you so much for sticking with me after these last couple of ramshackle weeks.
I've written a bit about how difficult the last month has been for me in terms of blogging, but I am going to apologize again right now. I'm sorry for not commenting on the posts you have linked up here for
The Sunday Currently in the past few weeks. I'm sorry for not giving you the Twitter shout-outs I do each week, for all those who have linked up & have a Twitter account. I'm sorry for not putting all of my heart & soul into this space, as I have in the past.
In the midst of all these apologies, comes some good news: I'm back, full throttle. I will be commenting on your posts, & I will be tweeting you on Mondays if you have a Twitter account & have linked up. In addition, I will be - FINALLY - crafting a
The Sunday Currently button, which you can include in your posts each week, or on your sidebar so that people know you're a faithful
TSC linker. Look for those in the next couple of weeks. And I will be present here in the blogging community as much as - if not more than - I was before.
I want to thank all of my readers - not just those of you who participate in The Sunday Currently - for your comments, your thoughtfulness, & just for visiting this space. You have no idea how much it means to me, how much it inspires me, how much it simply makes me happy. Thank you.
reading Casual Vacancy & Little Women. I haven't cracked open LW in weeks. I will finish it, I wish finish it...
writing Sociology study guides. My first test is coming up quickly on the horizon.
listening to the Mates of State Pandora station, still. Sometimes, when you find something good, you just have to keep coming back to it, until you wear it out. I'm glad I haven't worn out this particular station just yet.
thinking that I love being a student again. And that it's undeniable - I'm a nerd. And I like that, too.
smelling like my very favorite lotion at the moment: Black Currant Vanilla from the Aromatherapy line at Bath & Body Works. One of the best scents out there, & I can't find it anywhere in Wilmington. So thankful to my mom for buying me a bottle while I was in town.
& hoping.... That is seriously the first thing that popped into my head while writing this. And then, that made me thinking of the candle-stickers party I had with
Lindsey &
Leslie the week of Lindsey's wedding. We watched
My Best Friend's Wedding while finishing up her favors. That memory is special to me - brides are so busy the week of their weddings, so I'm grateful that Lindsey & I got to spend some time together.
hoping we found somewhere cool to go for our Memorial Day weekend trip. As if that wasn't a give-away, I'm writing this post in advance, just to make sure it's not hastily tapped out & sloppy. We were thinking of Virginia, or Asheville, or Charleston, or Savannah. The only of those places I've been to before is
Charleston, & I certainly wouldn't mind returning there.
wearing less makeup in an attempt to clear my skin up. When will I stop posting about my broken-out visage? Hopefully soon. And hopefully due to the fact that it's no longer broken out.
loving being back here in Wilmington with Justin. I'm not going to lie - it was difficult leaving Shreveport this time around. I grew accustomed to having family & friends close by, with endless activities to keep my interest piqued. But being back in Wilmington is a different kind of happiness: a delight in daily routine, a rigorous attitude toward school & working out, & a newfound appreciation for the beauty of being minutes from the shore. And, of course, having a husband under the same roof doesn't hurt matters.
wanting the productivity I'm feeling as I write this post to permeate absolutely every aspect of my life. I'm telling you, if I could spend life lingering in a slightly over-caffeienated [but certainly not too much] state, I would do it.
needing to get my act together for the coming short week. I have my first test of the semester, I need to start on some very important paperwork, there are people whom I simply must get on the phone with to discuss schooling matters, I have some emails to send out, a work assignment to get on, some thank you notes to disperse [STILL!], & a whole host of other tasks. I'm ready to cross them off that to-do list.
feeling lovely, since I finally decided to work out on Friday afternoon. Since returning to Wilmington almost a week ago, I decided to give myself a bit of a free pass where eating is concerned, to get it out of my system. In the week leading up to Lindsey's wedding, I put myself on a somewhat restrictive diet, which, honestly, put me in a mood of sorts. So when I got back here to Wilmington, I told myself a week of indulgence could be had, as long as I worked out. Long story short, the only day in the week I worked out was Friday. But no matter. I'm now feeling more motivated than ever, & a scale purchase is about to happen, so Justin & I both can track our fitness progress.
clicking my favorite blogs & getting caught up. I've missed reading about y'all's lives.