Well! This has been a whirlwind weekend! Normally, I would have a photo from Lindsey's wedding festivities up there above this text, but by the time you are reading this, I will be powering through my fifteen-and-a-half hour drive from Shreveport to Wilmington. Since I am writing this way in advance, it seems my words concerning the wedding may not hold as much meaning, but I really am sure that everything will have gone lovely. But, I'll write more about that after the fact!
I'm not going to lie to you: I've really, really struggled with blogging the past month. Being in Shreveport with a lot of things to do, rather than all the free time I have in Wilmington to get creative, has put a major damper on almost all things blogging related. I think my one saving grace has been Jenni's Challenge, which has forced me to sit at the computer & tap some words out each day. And while I haven't used her prompts each day, I've enjoyed reading others' spins on them [even though I've virtually commented on zero blogs since I've been home].
I want to say a little thank you to all those of you who have continued to visit this space, read the hastily-typed-out words, & have graced me with some very thoughtful comments. I appreciate you, & I hope we can catch up more thoroughly once I've arrived back in Wilmington & to my daily routine. I'll be beginning school soon, so I'm sure I'll have to re-configure my days, but I know I'll block off a little space of time for all-things-blog each day. I'm looking forward to finding another rhythm - will I ever find one that just effortlessly sticks? I certainly do hope so.
reading street signs, speed limit signs, & license plates. An admittedly smartass answer, but it's the truth, since I'm on the road.
writing preliminary schedules & itineraries in my head, preparing for a new Wilmington daily routine. Also, blog posts in my head.
listening to either Sirius XM or my iPod playlist, which has millions & millions [well, not quite that many] songs on it. I'm so glad Justin put all my music on there before I embarked on my trip a month ago.
thinking about arriving safely in Wilmington tomorrow.
smelling my car's air freshener. It's some kind of vanilla scent from Bath & Body Works. My sister got a cupcake-scented one while I was in town, & I'm thinking that needs to be my next purchase. Her car smells like a bakery. And I'm down with that.
wishing this car ride took about six hours, instead of way more than that.
hoping Lindsey & Tison enjoyed their wedding day!
wearing what I'm sure is just precious road trip attire.
loving that I get to see Justin tomorrow! A month apart is just far too long.
wanting gas station coffee, unless I've already treated myself to that delicacy. It's highly likely.
needing peace of mind & a safe trip to Wilmington.
feeling blessed to have my big tank of a car. It makes me feel safe, which makes driving long distances a lot easier.
clicking this old familiar favorite in the past week, which is pretty much the most hilarious thing on YouTube. I know, that's saying something, right? But seriously, watch them & tell me you didn't laugh at least once.
photo: from arriving in shreveport one month ago. doesn't feel like it's already been that long.

It can be hard to get on a blogging schedule when you're busy living life! I struggle with that sometimes. When I'm running around being busy, sometimes the last thing I want to so is sit in front of my laptop and work my brain. Balance is important, too, and I think it's okay to ease back on the internet presence. I hope you have an easy drive back to Wilmington! :)
I love having a larger gas tank too...we used to have to stop at least once during our 6 hour drive from MD to VA but now we can get back home to MD on 1/2 a tank...
Hope you have a great week!
Smartass. :)
What I love about your blog is your honesty and the way you write. Lately, I have really struggled with my blog as well. Life has been very busy and I haven't found much to be inspired about. I'm glad I'm not alone. You really have a way with words, one that I do not have.
Hope your drive went well. 15 hours is a very long time in the car. I would never make it! Ha!
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